Network/CCNP 문제풀이

CCNP ROUTER(300-101) 문제풀이 NO. 28

깜장뿔테 2018. 2. 12. 17:50

Router A and Router B are configured with IPv6 addressing and basic routing capabilities using
OSPFv3. The networks that are advertised from Router A do not show up in Router B's routing
table. After debugging IPv6 packets, the message "not a router" is found in the output. Why is the
routing information not being learned by Router B?

A. OSPFv3 timers were adjusted for fast convergence.
B. The networks were not advertised properly under the OSPFv3 process.
C. An IPv6 traffic filter is blocking the networks from being learned via the Router B interface that
is connected to Router A.
D. IPv6 unicast routing is not enabled on Router A or Router B.  

문제 : 라우터 A와 B는 IPv6주소와 OSPFv3를 사용한 기본 라우팅으로 설정 되었습니다라우터 A로부터 전달 받은 네트워크에는 라우터 B의 라우팅 테이블이 나타나지 않고 있습니다.  IPv6 디버깅 후에 "not a router"란 메시지가 출력에  발견됩니다라우팅 정보가 라우터 B에 의해 학습되지 않는 이유는 무엇인가요?

Show ipv6 traffic 명령어를 입력하면 다음과 같이 확인이 가능합니다.
Number of source-routed packets.
Number of truncated packets.
format errors
Errors that can result from checks performed on header fields, the version number, and packet length.
not a router
Message sent when ipv6 unicast routing is not enabled.

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