Network/CCNP 문제풀이

CCNP ROUTER(300-101) 문제풀이 NO. 23

깜장뿔테 2018. 2. 8. 22:41

For security purposes, an Ipv6 traffic filter was configured under various interfaces on the local router. However, shortly after implementing the traffic filter, OSPFv3 neighbor adjacencies were lost. What caused this issue?

A. The traffic filter is blocking all ICMPv6 traffic.
B. The global anycast address must be added to the traffic filter to allow OSPFv3 to work properly.
C. The link-local addresses that were used by OSPFv3 were explicitly denied, which caused the neighbor relationships to fail.
D. Ipv6 traffic filtering can be implemented only on SVIs.

문제 : 보안을 위해 로컬 라우터의 다양한 인터페이스에 IPv6 트래픽 필터가 구성되었습니다하지만 트래픽 필터 구성 직후 OSPFv3의  neighbor adjacency가 소실되었습니다이 문제의 원인은 무엇인가요?

OSPFv3은 Link Local IPv6주소를 네이버 검색 및 기타 기능에 사용하기 때문에, IPv6 주소가 포함된 트래픽 필터가 구성되어 있다면 링크 로컬 주소를 필터 목록에서 허용되도록 구현해야 합니다.

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